An Open Letter to Investors

Lauren Kane
2 min readNov 15, 2021

Dear Investors,

I am writing to you today on behalf of Female Founders everywhere. I am writing you on behalf of the Female Founders that are currently raising investor capital, thinking about raising or will raise in the future.

For the founders who could possibly change the world with the companies they have started or will start.

Female Founders are different from their male counterparts. That is what makes us unique. At times, it is the secret sauce to the companies started by women. Women see the world differently and can have moments of pure super heroness. But I’m stating something you probably already know.

I’m not going to ask you to stop treating Female Founders differently than their male counterparts. Because that should be the case. Women are different than men.

However, I am going to ask that you treat them with the same respect and opportunity that you give their male counterparts.

Give female founders the opportunity to raise capital the way that they want to and realize that they might just be thinking outside of a very rigid box.

Respond to their outreach. Even if it’s just a simply “this isn’t for me”.

If you do meet with a Female Founder and you say that you’re interested, don’t ghost them after.

Realize that the Female Founder you are speaking to is not part of a “good old boys” network and might feel very much on the outside. Give her a chance you might not have otherwise.

Don’t ask Female Founders different questions than you would a man regarding her business. She knows that same information just as well or even better.

Don’t ask her what will happens if she gets married, or has babies. Other than that being a huge violation of her personal privacy. Just trust that whenever either of those things possibly happens, her super heroness will come out and surprise you.

We need more women having successful exits, going public and becoming investors. It’s part of the circle of venture life. You could be a part of that.

Look at the company not the sex of the founder. Because it will ALL change when you do that.

I thank you for listening to me and do me one favor. Reach out to 5 Female Founders that have reached out to you and just grab a virtual coffee and chat. They might show you a bit of their super heroness.


Lauren Kane



Lauren Kane

Pitch Strategist- Getting investors to open their checkbooks to market-disrupting Female Entrepreneurs.|Venture Capital| Angel Investor| Entrepreneur